Subject 20- Digital Tax Law

Subject 20- Digital Tax Law Being a Taxpayer Unlimited liability to tax Legal or business entities located in Turkey will be taxed on their entire income, whether obtained within Turkey or abroad. Limited liability to tax Those with neither legal nor business centers...

Subject 20- Digital Tax Law

Subject 20- Digital Tax Law Being a Taxpayer Unlimited liability to tax Legal or business entities located in Turkey will be taxed on their entire income, whether obtained within Turkey or abroad. Limited liability to tax Those with neither legal nor business centers...

Subject 18: Cybersecurity Law

Subject 18: Cybersecurity Law Cybersecurity Ensuring information security in technological life and devices is critical for everyone in the cyber world. To achieve this information security, the best approach is to implement...

Subject 18: Cybersecurity Law

Subject 18: Cybersecurity Law Cybersecurity Ensuring information security in technological life and devices is critical for everyone in the cyber world. To achieve this information security, the best approach is to implement...